Prodotti Pillow Plate

Pillow plate - batteries of plates

The Pillow Plate bundles of plates are heat exchangers which are ideal for liquid/gas exchange, or in some conditions, also liquid/liquid. They have many uses in industrial refrigeration, when a continuous production of chilled water is needed, or for ice accumulation (such as in the dairy industry, when dealing with fish or meat, and in fruit and vegetable cleaning).

The plate bundles are frequently used in heat recovery, with main purposes being in vapour energy recovery at high temperatures in the paper industry, in the galvanic industry and in surface treatments (to maintain a constant bath temperature) and in chemical industry as the overhead condenser for distillation columns, as an internal part of reactors and for condensing steam currents.
The complete versatility and the high exchange efficiency achievable mean that all industrial sectors can use it.

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Pillow plate - batteries of plates
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Pillow plate - batteries of plates

Recommended because

- liquid/gas exchange
- liquid/liquid exchange
- galvanic industry
- food industry
- meat and fish industry
-washing fruit and vegetables
 -dairy industry
 -maintaining industrial bath temperatures
 - heat pumps
 -refrigeration and cooling
 -ice accumulation.


Pillow plate - batteries of plates it is particularly indicated for:
FIC: macchinari per l'industria lattiero casearia

Dairy industry

Serbatoi per l'industria alimentare

Food industry

Prodotti per il controllo della temperatura nella produzione delle bevande

Drinks industry

Sistemi di controllo della temperatura per impianti chimici

Chemical industry

Sistemi per il recupero del calore

Heat Recovery

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